
orbix expands in the crypto market with the orbix Reward program, aiming to foster its customer base via the loyalty scheme.

​           Committed to delivering “A New Experience in Digital Asset Investment", orbix has continuously geared up for innovating its services to provide a user-friendly, secure, and reliable platform. In its latest development, the company has introduced the orbix Reward program, a loyalty scheme designed to cultivate a dedicated customer base. The orbix Reward program is a points-based program that allows users to earn and redeem points for various prizes through the orbix Trade mobile app. This marks a milestone for orbix as it expands its business and product offerings while strengthening trust within the cryptocurrency industry. Stay tuned for the upcoming launch of new products and services by orbix.

​           To facilitate for the customers to verify their identity (KYC) on the orbix platform and continuously engage with the orbix Reward Program, orbix has recently updated the new identity verification (KYC) for the K+ Authentication systems via the K+ application, which improves to reduce the steps for customers to use more conveniently by using OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology to help take a photo and scan the personal information of the ID card, the Pre-Fills information for customers, or if the customer fails to verify their identity or drops out during the process, the system will retain the information that has been filled in, Saving time and Less processes. You can study how to verify your identity (KYC) with K+ Authentication at:  https://www.orbixtrade.com/en/blog/article/how-to-identity-verification-kyc-by-kplus-authentication-with-orbix

​           ​Under the orbix Reward program, users will earn points for participating in various activities, from initially signing up for the application to completing the KYC process, including special missions and monthly activities. Users can also earn points from daily check-ins. The more they check in, the more points they will earn. Customers who have an account with orbix and have completed the KYC process can claim OBX points from daily check-ins. One point per day per account is offered from June 25, 2024, at 3:00 p.m., to December 31, 2024, or until further notice. OBX points can be redeemed for various rewards and privileges from orbix, including Starbucks cards and cashback credits. Information, news and updates on the orbix Reward program are available through all channels of orbix. For details about the orbix Reward program, terms, and conditions of activities, please visit: https://www.orbixtrade.com/th/blog/article/get-to-know-orbix-reward-from-orbix  


Disclaimer: Digital assets involve risks; investors should study information carefully and make investments according to own risk profile.
