KBank Supplier Code of Conduct

KASIKORNBANK (“KBank”) conducts business in alignment with the Statement of Corporate Governance and business ethics, guided by sustainable development guidelines encompassing environmental, social and governance aspects. We have announced the “Green DNA” initiative, aimed at fostering awareness and responsibility towards the economy, society and environment among all our employees organization-wide. This ethos is ingrained in every aspect of the Bank's operations in a tangible way, ultimately embedding and nurturing the "Green DNA” culture, thus paving the way for the development and achievement of business growth, ensuring sustainable returns and the optimum benefits for all stakeholders, in accordance with the principles of a Bank of Sustainability.

We have established the KBank Supplier Code of Conduct* as an operational guideline for our suppliers’ business undertakings, which is in conformity with the Bank’s policy and the KBank Statement of Business Conduct, applicable laws and regulations as well as international best practices. We attach great importance to encouraging our suppliers to conduct business in alignment with the Statement of Corporate Governance and business ethics and in compliance with laws, rules and regulations, accounting for social responsibility and environment. We also closely monitor suppliers' activities to ensure strict adherence to this Supplier Code of Conduct. In the event that suppliers do not comply with the KBank Supplier Code of Conduct, the Bank reserves the right to review the business relationship. We shall take into account the impact and damage caused by the non-compliance within the scope and practical guidelines as follows:

*Supplier refers to any seller of goods, contractor, subcontractor, and/or provider of services to KBank

Business Ethics

  • Integrity
    Suppliers shall conduct business with righteousness, integrity and transparency based on anti-corruption principles.
  • Conflicts of Interest
    Suppliers shall not seek personal gain from their relationships with, positions or responsibility of KBank directors, executives and employees, while also adhering to guidelines regarding anti-corruption and prevention of conflicts of interest.
  • Fairness
    Suppliers shall respect competition rules and shall not use unfair practices to destroy competitors or create competitive advantages.
  • Confidentiality
    Suppliers shall not disclose or use confidential information and/or other information of KBank, customers and other suppliers, which has been obtained or known from any operation as a KBank supplier, for their own benefit or for the benefit of any individual, without KBank’s consent, except for actions required by law.
  • Personal Data Protection
    Suppliers shall collect, use, and disclose personal data obtained or known from the Bank, the Bank's customers, and any of the Bank’s other suppliers in the course of their business relationship with the Bank in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019), as well as any notifications and regulations issued under the said Act and any other relevant laws. This shall apply from the effective date of this Act and any future amendments or replacements. Suppliers shall implement appropriate security measures to prevent personal data from unauthorized access, use, modification, amendment, disclosure, or leakage.
  • Protection of Intellectual Property
    Suppliers shall respect intellectual property rights of KBank and other entities, and shall prevent violation of such rights.
  • Social Responsibility
    Suppliers shall behave as a good citizen, showing responsibility for society through efficient use of resources for the benefits of society and environmental conservation.
  • Compliance
    Suppliers shall conduct business in strict compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and requirements.

Risk Management

Suppliers should carry out appropriate risk assessment and management, including both business risk, information technology risk, cybersecurity risk and ESG risk, to ensure that business operations with suppliers are sustainable and within the Bank’s risk appetite. Additionally, suppliers should always put in place adequate business continuity planning and crisis management in line with the Bank’s business continuity plan.

Human Rights and Labor

  • Fair Treatment
    Suppliers shall respect human dignity and individual rights of employees without discrimination due to race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, citizenship, sexual orientation, disability, or any other matters.
  • Prevention of Forced Labor
    Suppliers shall not use or support forced labor, including all forms of exploitation or threats, such as the coercion of labor without consent and intimidation or coercion through penalties. Additionally, suppliers shall not force individuals to work through violence or threats, or by other means, such as using labor to pay off debts, retaining identity documents, or threatening to report to immigration authorities. Suppliers shall not participate in any activities or processes related to modern slavery or human trafficking.
  • Labor Protection
    • Employment of children, pregnant women and foreign workers shall comply with related laws.
    • All processes of employment termination shall comply with labor law, and unfair termination of employment shall be prohibited.
  • Working Hours
    Suppliers shall ensure that working hours are not longer than the period specified by applicable laws. All overtime work shall be voluntary. Suppliers shall offer vacation time and leave periods not less than those stipulated by related laws.
  • Wages and Benefits
    Wages, overtime and holiday pay, and benefits shall be paid no less than those stipulated by related laws, in a fair and timely manner.
  • Freedom of Association and the right to Collective Bargaining
    Suppliers shall promote and respect the freedom of employees to participate in or establish associations or labor unions and to negotiate and bargain freely in accordance with the relevant laws.

Safety and Occupational Health

Suppliers shall provide a safe and healthy working environment to ensure effective operations and compliance with related laws and regulations. Suppliers shall also put in place necessary safety control processes, and measures to prevent accidents and adverse health impacts.


  • Suppliers shall comply with environmental laws, regulations and standards.
  • Suppliers shall conduct environmentally friendly business operations, with recognition given to ecosystems and biodiversity.
  • Suppliers shall participate in environmental conservation through efficient and effective uses of natural resources.
  • Suppliers shall promote appropriate climate change-related management and put climate change risk management in place. Additionally, suppliers shall reduce greenhouse gas emissions, for instance, by reducing energy consumption or increasing the proportion of clean energy in operations.
  • Suppliers shall arrange for effective water management to ensure efficient use of water resources, prevent wastewater discharge, and avoid adverse impacts on water sources and communities, while managing the risks of flooding or drought appropriately.
  • Suppliers shall have in place efficient waste management, measures to reduce waste generation from operations, and proper waste disposal, avoiding waste management methods that may have adverse environmental impacts, such as incineration and landfilling. Additional focuses include reuse of waste in line with the principles of a circular economy, as well as product design and material selection that help minimize waste generation, such as those that are durable and recyclable.
  • Suppliers shall collect and disclose environmental data, such as greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, amount of waste generated, and energy and water consumption, while continuously improving operational processes or adopting new innovations to enhance resource efficiency and minimize environmental impacts.
  • Suppliers shall establish environmental goals, including reduction of GHG emissions, energy consumption and waste generation, while taking appropriate actions to achieve these goals.

Product Quality

  • Quality Control: Suppliers shall have in place an effective quality control system to ensure that products and services are of high quality and meet established standards.
  • Product Safety: Suppliers shall ensure that products and services are safe for customers and in conformity with relevant safety standards.

Community Relations

Suppliers shall foster good relationships with communities, avoid actions that could cause troubles for or adverse impacts on community residents, support and contribute to community development, or assist in addressing issues in communities as appropriate.


When observing non-compliance with laws, rules, regulations, or policies related to KBank, which may lead to corruption or negative impacts on the Bank, suppliers are required to provide accurate information through whistleblowing channels designated by the Bank, while fostering collaboration in the investigation process for the Bank to take corrective and fair actions.

Enhancement and Support for Suppliers Business Operations

Respecting compliance with contracted terms and conditions in trade, the Bank has set an average credit term of 30 days, depending on conditions agreed upon between the Bank and suppliers, and the Bank’s average actual payment period to suppliers is within the credit term as specified. For supplier selection, the Bank shall not enter into business matching with unlawful businesses, whereas suppliers should have the Corporate Social Responsibility policy, avoid causing any environmental pollution and comply with the Bank’s Supplier Code of Conduct. The Bank places emphasis on counterparties’ transparent business operations, respect for human rights, fair treatment of labor, as well as compliance with the standards related to safety, occupational health and environment and the guidelines on anti-corruption and conflicts of interest prevention. The Bank also encourages suppliers to participate the anti-corruption network.
