It is a fundamental policy of the Bank to treat all of our colleagues with respect. The Bank respects employee privacy and dignity. The Bank will only collect and retain personal information from employees required for the effective operation of the Bank, or as required by law. The Bank will keep that information confidential and release it only to those with a legitimate right to know.
The Bank strives to provide a safe, healthy and productive working environment. Each employee has a personal responsibility to other employees and to the Bank to help eliminate actions or circumstances that undermine this environment.
The Bank expects each employee to support the Bank commitment and continuing efforts towards equal employment opportunities for all. We at the Bank recognize the power that comes from people of diverse backgrounds and experiences coming together around a common goal. The Bank policies forbid any discrimination, harassment, or intimidation based on race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, citizenship, sexual orientation, or disability. Employees are encouraged to bring questions or concerns in this area to the attention of their supervisors. Strict disciplinary action will be taken on violations of this policy.
Supervisors are expected to act as role models for their subordinates. All employees are expected to build and retain unity within our organization and avoid any acts that could damage the Bank reputation.