Reporting Breaches

Breaches or compromise of this Code of Conduct are treated seriously and may result in disciplinary action, as established by the Bank, from probation, deduction of wages, demotion and/or reduction in pay, up to termination of employment, as the case maybe. Moreover, the Bank may consider not adjusting salary for those under investigation or disciplinary actions being taken.

In 2023, there were 16 important cases of the Code of Conduct breaches which include 15 cases of misconduct and 1 case of seeking undue benefits (no cases of discrimination, harassment, violation of customer privacy data, conflicts of interest, money laundering, insider trading, or antitrust/anti-competitive practices). All of these cases had been managed and the Bank has enhanced its risk management process and reviewed its internal control and compliance to ensure higher efficiency and to prevent potential breaches. For instance, significant work processes have been improved to be more prudent, authentication process has been monitored, and technological capability and relevant data have been used to detect employees’ misconduct and seeking undue benefits. Moreover, the Bank had considered these cases and taken actions against those who failed to comply with the Code of Conduct through termination of employment.