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Financial Inclusion and Financial Literacy

KBank offers financial literacy to the general public with the aim of enabling them to plan their finance in various aspects, such as savings and investment, in accordance with their risk appetite and lifestyle, while having sufficient financial stability. The Bank has formulated guidelines for creating financial literacy as follows:

  • Providing knowledge and improving service processes to ensure that customers and stakeholders understand finance and do not incur debt beyond their repayment ability.
  • Developing channels for communications and financial literacy that are convenient and accessible for all stakeholders.
  • Enhancing employees’ skills in communicating with customers or related stakeholders, refraining from inappropriate sales of financial products, or sales practices that do not respect customers/consumers.

KBank is determined to promote financial inclusion and financial literacy among customers, communities, and society. Focus is to enable people across all areas to choose financial products and services that suit their needs, while improving their quality of life. The guidelines for provision of financial literacy and
promotion of financial inclusion for the general public are, as follows:

  • Developing financial innovations and services that cater to all groups, especially underserved people, based on market analysis and customer feedback, as well as non-financial support and financial well-being.
  • Enhancing accessibility and service delivery to various groups of customers in line with their needs and suitability.
  • Having in place channels for communications and financial literacy that are convenient and accessible to all stakeholders.
  • Collaborating with business partners in developing appropriate channels for accessing financial products for all stakeholders.

KBank Financial Inclusion Commitment
