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Sustainable development operations

The Bank has sustainable development operations covering three areas :

Environmental aspect:

KBank is committed to becoming Net Zero to solve the problem of global warming and support everyone to adapt to Net Zero society and live together in an environmentally friendly manner.

Important performance results

  • Allocate Baht 46,986 million in sustainable financing and investment
  • Cumulative amount of Lending and Sustainability and Environment 2022 - 2023 Baht 73,397 million
  • 5 glidepaths and sector strategies were completely developed since 2022
  • 12.74% reduction of GHG emissions (Baseline year 2020)

Social aspect:

KBank provides literency and promotes financial discipline based on responsible lending, including focus on caring for employees and society. Under operations that respect the human rights of all stakeholders.

Important performance results

  • Financial literacy for the underprivileged 53,886 persons
  • Cyber literacy campaign to reach 28.2 million persons
  • Provided Financial Literacy for youth 11,581 persons

Governance aspect:

KBank conducts business in accordance with good governance principles, efficient risk management, sustainable supply chain and initiating financial innovations that meet every aspect of customers’ needs.

Important performance results

  • Digital banking leadership via mobile banking channel stood at 90, classified in the leader group with the highest
    Net Promoter Score in the Thai banking industry
  • 100% of Project Finance requests and medium enterprises (and above) were processed through the ESG assessment procedure: Baht 389,240 million
  • 100% of suppliers acknowledge KBank Supplier Code of Conduct, covering environmental, social, labour and human rights issues.
