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Financial Innovations and Services

KBank has established a framework for promoting and developing financial innovations in line with the K-Strategy, which aims to empower every customer’s life and business. Key initiatives include fostering an innovative organizational culture and creating subsidiaries to advance innovations and technologies that enhance the well-being of Thai people and regional citizens.

KBank has established a product management framework and procedure as a guideline for managing products throughout their life cycle. The framework and procedure will cover every stage of product development with a focus on improved responsiveness of all stakeholders, ensuring that products are developed and improved efficiently in alignment with customer needs.

Through customer deep listening workshops organized by our relationship managers (RMs), KBank aims to truly understand their pain points and needs for further analysis and development of products to ensure customer responsiveness.

Moreover, KBank prioritizes the development of our banking platform with the aim of expanding the user base and maintaining our leadership in mobile banking services with the largest number of users in Thailand. Our focus is on the increased linkage of platforms with our business partners across all ecosystems and the development of innovations to accommodate customers’ ever-evolving lifestyles.
