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Occupational Health and Safety

KBank’s Board of Directors has reviewed the Occupational Safety and Health, and Workplace Environment Policy on an annual basis to ensure that employees’ operations comply with legal measures of occupational safety and health, and workplace environment, and international standards in order to uplift KBank’s management of occupational safety and health, and the workplace environment, to global standards. We have also established safety-related targets including the target of zero workplace accidents that cause absence from work and zero workplace illnesses that cause absence from work.

KBank have prepared equipment and a workplace environment that are appropriate and safe, in accordance with legal and global standards of occupational health and safety, and the workplace environment, with hazard identification and risk assessment, as well as environmental aspects assessment, in tune with employees’ work conditions, to minimize risks arising from their work.

In additional, KBank placed importance on and promoted employees’ physical and mental such as projects and tools of daily functions, e.g., computer tool of Viva Insights to inspire basic training of mindfulness, daily reflection, mental consultants via OOCA application and provision of flu vaccinations and project to promote employees’ work-life balance and to provide online medical diagnosis and consultation via telemedicine service etc.

Occupational Safety and Health, and Workplace Environment Policy
OSH Progress Report
